
ALBUM: Christina Perri – a lighter shade of blue

Christina Perri a lighter shade of blue Zip Download
Christina Perri a lighter shade of blue Zip Download

Christina Perri a lighter shade of blue Zip Download

Christina Perri has dropped a his latest music album titled Christina Perri a lighter shade of blue album and you can download album Christina Perri a lighter shade of blue zip which has few amazing tracks right below.

Christina Perri a lighter shade of blue Album Tracklist

  1. ​surrender
  2. ​hurt
  3. ​evergone
  4. ​back in time
  5. ​home
  6. ​people like you
  7. ​fever
  8. ​blue
  9. ​i do it for you
  10. ​mothers
  11. ​fighter
  12. ​tiny victories
  13. ​time of our lives
  14. ​roses in the rain
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